They say nothing in life is free. And while that may hold true for jewelry, cars and houses, it certainly doesn’t apply to website traffic! The beauty of the internet, lies in the fact that…

the more your link is visible, the more traffic will be directed to your site.

Most of these recommendations work the same way – once you sign up, you get acquaintances and people who visit your site to sign up. The more people that sign up from your ad, the more people your ad is distributed to.

It’s really as simple as it sounds and if you’re willing to put in some work to recruit worthy prospects you’ll be pleased with the results.


One of the largest article sites, ArticlesBase allows users to submit and use articles at their leisure. Pay close attention to the keywords you use and be sure to use SEO each article so you get good results.


Message boards are a great way to get involved in a discussion while also leaving your imprint. Strike up a conversation and be sure to put your business name or website as your signature. Big Boards is one of the largest message boards out there with topics for almost anything you can think of. From Brazilian board games to SEO to…well you get the picture. Get involved and get feedback!

EZine Articles

If you’ve ever scoured an article database, you’ve seen the breadth of articles and topics they tend to host. Plant your article there and set up a google alert notify you when someone uses your article. Be sure to always include your link and business information at the bottom to ensure you get the backlink and traffic!


Whether you’re using a fan page or a personal page, Facebook is a great place to post links. Get free traffic while you’re catching up with old friends or working on your social media marketing skills.

Free Traffic Tip

This blog, run by a traffic guru provides consultative services for a fee. Also, though she posts free how-to manuals on everything from getting more traffic from Google, to utilizing your social media pages to direct traffic towards your website.

Free Traffic Works

What’s essentially a big message board, Free Traffic Works relies on user postings and ratings to generate a forum for users to get true reviews of free traffic products. It also works the same way as other free traffic sites to reward you with hits when you put in work advertising your affiliate link.


For your first month of membership, you’re allowed unlimited site views. After that, you earn mailing credits when you surf, which allow you to send e-mail ads to random member of the program. It pays off though, as they get rewarded for checking your email out.


This site works much like the others – get others to sign up and you increase the chances of your free ad getting more views. However, Sweeva gives you a free widget to post to draw more attention to your activity. Also, people can comment on your site so you can see what other people think and make changes based on suggestions.

Traffic Digger

Much in the same way as a few previously mentioned traffic generating websites, traffic digger is a free way to gain new hits. The more people you get to view your ad and sign up through you translates directly to more traffic for your own website.

Traffic Swarm

A membership count of over 400,000 means something. TrafficSwarm has build a great base of customers for their free service with offering goodies that most other free traffic providers don’t – free text box and credits for every site visited.

Traffic Wave

All successful marketers use a autoresponder to keep track of free traffic exchanges. Traffic Wave has been around since 2001 and at $17.95/ month, is cheaper than most other autoresponders. This full range website also manages multiple email lists, collects data, and tracks click-throughs.

Traffic Whirl

The concept is pretty simple – when you sign up, 7 ads are shown to you. When someone clicks on the ad from your site, your ad is placed in the number 1 spot and the other ads move down to spots 2-7. Once that person signs up, their ad is shown as number 1, your ad moves to the second spot and so on… So, if you 10 people enroll from you, your ad is already on ten new sites. And if ten people enroll from those (10×10) your ad is now visible on 100 new sites.


If you’re not already on Twitter, you should join immediately. If you are on Twitter and haven’t utilized it to share your links with followers, shame on you. Use link shortening websites like to direct followers to your blog, website and elsewhere.

Yahoo Answers

Getting involved in Yahoo answers does double duty – you get to share your expertise with curious minds and promote your brand! Be sure not to be too self-promotiona, but you can always throw in your link in your signature or end your answer with “For more answers to questions like this check out my blog at ….” to make sure readers know where to find you.

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