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We’ve all heard the social media success stories: Small business strikes it big, reaching consumers and peddling tons of products.

And while it’s great that so many businesses are finding success through social media, it’s no surprise that B2C companies can find quick success – they can directly target their audience. For B2C companies, however it’s a slightly bigger challenge.

One of the most frequent questions I get from corporate leaders is this one, ”Social media is all well and good for a B2C company, but how does it work for a B2B company?” In my opinion, social media is just as suited (if not more so) for B2B companies as it is for a B2C company.

If you’re a B2B company, here are a few things to consider when putting together or revamping your social media plan:

Learn to be human again. People want to buy from other people. They want to buy from a trusted friend, not a logo.

Never forget that content is king . Content. Content. Content. Nothing is more important. You can be on all the social media tools in the world. But it you are not providing interesting content, you will fail. People don’t want to hear about you. They don’t want to see re-worked material from public relations documents or booklets about your company or mission statements. They want to hear interesting ideas about your industry or how-to articles or video testimonials from leaders in your field.

Good content is the ONLY way people can start feeling good about you. Good content is the only way you can warm up cold leads. It is through good content you will begin to convert leads to sales.

Know what you want to do. Social media is unfortunately a rich soil but one in which many seem to get ‘stuck’, spinning their wheels. Don’t be one of those. Be absolutely crystal clear that you know what you want to accomplish and where you want to go.

Carefully identify your target audience. This may seem obvious but so many companies are vague about who they actually want to talk to. By pinpointing your target audience, you will then be able to choose the social sites you need to be on and isolate exactly what you want to say once you get there.

Let social media show off your expertise. People love an expert. They buy from someone who can show their expertise. And one of the best things about social media is that it will make your expertise visible to the entire world. As a base, use your blog and online videos as a way to begin sharing your ideas and know-how. Make everything you write or every film you make interesting, fun and thorough.
The reputation-building potential of social media is why this new medium goes quickly from being a ‘nice to have’ to being an absolute necessity for any serious professional.

Combine social media with offline tools. For example, if you meet a prospect at a conference, connect with them on Facebook and Linkedin. Integrate your prospect or client’s social media profile information into your CRM system. This will allow your sales force to learn more about your client the next time they contact them.

Don’t underestimate your employees. Your employee may very well be the best social media spokespeople you have. Use them. Create and distribute Social Media guidelines for them so they are clear what they can and cannot say.

Social media is all about attitude. Social media is far more about attitude that it is about tools. And part of that attitude means that you are ready to be open. For example, try cooperating with your competitors. Collaborate with other companies in your industry. Make your blog or website THE place to go, the most important community resource in your industry. Open doors. Don’t close them.

Social media takes time. You might put these tips to use and not see a return on them for a few months but sooner or later, you will see the benefits.

Just remember to be patient and be consistent and the organic nature of social media will do the rest.

Increasing the external links to your website is one of the most important elements of a successful optimization strategy. They can boost your rankings in the search results, drive traffic, and increase your presence across the Web. But securing external links can be a challenge. That’s why it’s important to explore every opportunity to acquire them. A good place to start is by ensuring that your site’s content receives SEO-friendly citation.

The big opportunity

Standout B2B websites are usually brimming with great content, including lead gen materials such as whitepapers, articles, and case studies. Because this type of content generally includes interesting and useful facts or best practices, a target audience is likely to share the information via email, blogs, and forums. Given that, such content represents considerable opportunity to generate external links via proper online citation.

Never assume

But despite the valuable time and resources spent on developing great content, it often doesn’t get the chance to fully live up to its potential to create external linking opportunities. Why? Because more often than not, little thought is put into making sure that the website gets cited when the content is shared online. In fact, many marketers simply assume that when someone cites their content, they also automatically link to the website. Unfortunately, that is not the case. As a result, many marketers are missing the opportunity to leverage their content to secure valuable external links.

Understanding its impact

For example, let’s say that a consumer research firm publishes a whitepaper about shopping trends by the day of the week. The document is emailed to existing clients, who then copy and paste key callouts in emails to their colleagues, quote the whitepaper in their blogs, comment on other blogs with snippets, and mention it at a meeting, prompting others to search for it.

Obviously, the content succeeded in engaging the target, and it was shared amongst many potential customers. However, there is nothing to confirm that the interest generated resulted in a single link back to the firm’s website. If the firm were using some type of proactive method to ensure citation, they may have increased their external links. Instead, the lack of attention to SEO-friendly citation translates into a huge missed opportunity to increase their link credibility for search.

Making it happen

To effectively leverage your content for external links, you need to ensure that your shared content is accompanied by a link – even when it’s just snippets. But keep in mind that generating external links through online citation is not the responsibility of your visitors. After all, even if they do link back to you, they may not do so in an SEO-friendly way. Given that, automating the online citation process may yield the best results. Below are a few tools that will help ensure you receive proper online citation and net external links when visitors share, post, or copy and paste your content:

  1. Social Bookmarking– An old favorite, social bookmarking widgets have evolved to encompass nearly every social media platform and network available – from Facebook and Twitter to more niche sites such as Slashdot and Sphinn. These widgets are commonly customizable to match the aesthetic of your website and the platforms you prefer, and are easily implemented with the code generated by the provider. Many of the most popular social bookmarking widgets are free, and some come packaged with analytics to track click-throughs. My personal favorite is Social Twist’s Tell a Friend, whose tabbed format offers social bookmarking, blogging, social networking, email, and IM options.
  2. Site-Hosted jQuery Script – Search and Share, a jQuery script for your website, takes automated citation to the next level. Recognizing that when visitors highlight your content they’re most likely interested in sharing it with others, Search and Share automatically provides sharing options when text on your site is highlighted. In addition, the script embeds the source page’s title and URL when the content is shared — even when a mere snippet is copied and pasted. If your target audience is highly engaged in blogging and forums, the benefits of this script are undeniable. Instead of hoping that your site will receive a link when your content is quoted, you can feel confident that Search and Share will make it happen automatically. As a result, it will simultaneously increase the links to your site, and decrease your dependency on your visitors for proper online citation.
  3. Providing Optimized HTML – For online marketers, it’s sometimes hard to remember that not everyone on the Web is an HTML whiz. Considering that, one of the simplest ways to make sure people are linking to you in the way that fits your optimization strategy is to actually provide them with the code. For example, take a look at’s Link to Us page. has provided pre-formatted HTML code for people to use when linking to their site. By eliminating the work of coding a link, is increasing the chance that their target will follow through. Providing an exact HTML link enables you to pursue any optimization strategy you choose, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the links on your search visibility. This strategy can be especially beneficial when securing a link from a business partner or vendor, as you may have more flexibility in determining the format of the link.
If you are going to invest in developing interesting and engaging content for your website, be sure to leverage it as a means to generate external links via proper online citation. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that your visitors are citing your content. With several tools that eliminate the hassle and increase the likelihood of linking back to a site, there’s no reason to miss this opportunity.

In this article we mention 7 tips for your success. That’s not to say these are the only ones, nor will every successful person use all these. But using these tips will help you succeed.

1- Set Goals A set of goals or goal in writing enables you to have a purpose each day to work toward. Without a goal you may feel you have no purpose. You may have short term goals to achieve each day as well as long term (1 or more years). We are all individuals so we all have different goals. With goals you have something to aim for. Once you have developed a goal, keep negative thoughts like failure, fear, anger and envy from your mind.

2- Willing to Learn You must keep an open mind each day to new ideas, as the world is forever changing. What worked yesterday may not always work today, or maybe not the best way today. View your mistakes as opportunities rather than something to avoid at all cost. Willing to learn new things will make your business and life run better.

3- Perseverance and Patience So often the race is lost because it’s not finished. Success is often just around the next corner or over the next hill. So often it’s lost on the one yard line. In success you must persevere. You can’t fail if you don’t quit.

4- A Plan What specific actions or tasks will carry out your strategy or strategies? Create a sequence of actions and corresponding time-frame. Take time to do some initial planning, using your daily, monthly, and quarterly goals as a guide. Without a plan, you dreams will remain your dreams, and not your reality. But at the same time, do not wait for things to be perfect. Just start!

5- Responsible When you fail, you admit it and move on. You get back up and do it right the next time. Don’t beat yourself up. Instead realize that we learn from every mistake we make, and every obstacle in our path serves to make us stronger and better. You let your actions speak louder than your words. You accept responsibility for your actions and learn from them . No excuses, just results.

6- Vision to See If you can see the success of your goals and dreams months or years before you live them, it will help motivate you. The ability to look ahead, see the future, imagine the good that can and will come from your hard work will motivate you.

7- Friends for Success Everyone who achieves much success does it with the help of countless others. People become successful because they help other people, and people like them.

Associate with people who will encourage you. Acknowledge that for every step backward, there is one or more forward steps that bring you closer to your goals.

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs though checkered by failure, then to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
To Be Success: Join The

Building a business that grows steadily in size and profits is like building your dream house.

First, you identify what kind of home you want, then you and your architect plan and create blueprints for your house, then you build it, move in and enjoy it.

Now imagine that you didn’t have the time to plan your home but went ahead and hired a builder to get started. How would he or she know what to build?

Without a plan, the result could easily be a post-colonial, modern, victorian mish-mash that would make a trailer home look stylish in comparison. Most likely it wouldn’t meet your needs and you’d have wasted a lot of time and money.

Everyday I get calls from frustrated business owners like you. Their marketing isn’t helping them generate the steady stream of new clients they want so badly. It’s just not bringing in the revenue that they think they should be making.

My conversation with Ken, from Toronto, was typical. I asked Ken to describe his business and his business goals. I asked him to tell me about his target market and what he is doing attract new clients.

He easily described his technological and design expertise, his Web services and the ads and mailings he was using to promote his business. Then I asked the question that stumps almost everyone who calls me for advice: I asked Ken if he had a marketing plan and what it was. He didn’t have one.

Do you?

You know what your goals are and where you want to take your business. You also know that marketing involves activities such as a website, mailings, advertising and phone calls to prospects. But without a plan tying these efforts together, these activities by themselves may do little to help you achieve your goals.

You need a well thought out blueprint for your marketing, just as you would for your dream home. Here’s how to start putting it together.

1. Identify Your Marketing GoalsWhat specifically does your marketing need to achiee for your business to grow? You can state this in terms of the number of qualified leads generated each week, the percentage of leads converted to sales, total revenue, and profit.

What are your marketing goals?

2. Define Your Marketing Strategy
This is your overall approach and positioning relative to your goals and your competition. My marketing strategy is an educational one. It is based on giving people ideas and information they can use as a means of getting their attention and demonstrating the value I provide.

What is your small business marketing strategy?

3. Set Up Your Marketing System
Develop a plan of action. To increase sales, your marketing activities and the media you use need to reflect your marketing strategy and work together as one.

What is your marketing system?

4. Map Out Your Marketing Activities
Now flesh out the details. You’ve decided what your marketing activities will be; now for each marketing activity you’ll need to determine who will create and implement it and when.

Who will be responsible for developing, implementing and maintaining your marketing?

5. Sharpen Your Marketing Tools
Each marketing activity involves using one or more marketing tools. These include everything from your web site to your phone scripts to your marketing messages. To cut through the information clutter and get your prospect’s attention you’ll want finely honed tools.

Could you sharpen your marketing tools?

Sound intimidating? It’s not when you have help.

As a member of my Insider’s Club I’ll guide you through the marketing maze. You’ll discover how to create a blueprint for success.

You’ll get access to a treasure trove of proven and practical wealth building ideas.

What’s your plan? You know you could be doing better. You don’t have to miss out.

Remember people who have a plan and take action achieve success while those who sit on the fence wear out the seat of their pants while watching the winners cross the finish line.

Be a winner! Join the

Accounting software is a must-have productivity tool for small businesses. It allows small businesses to keep a detailed account of its finances and produce reports for planning purposes. There are different accounting software in the market today, and it can take some time and resources in order to setup it up and learn how to use it.

As a small business owner, you need to ensure that you pick the right software for your business. Below are some questions to ask before you buy an accounting software.

What are your Business needs?

First of all, you must choose that a small business accounting software that matches the unique needs of your business. Software packages may include different modules/features such as billing, sales, inventory, tax, and payroll. These extra features will allow you to spend less time you spend doing accounting tasks. However, software vendors may charge extra for advanced features so you have to make sure what your needs are beforehand to avoid overspending.

Is it User-Friendly?

Another thing to note is that most advanced software and modules require advanced knowledge in accounting in order to be utilized effectively. A user-friendly system is ideal for most small businesses who do not have the resources nor the training to operate a full-pledged accounting system. Single-entry accounting systems or simple bookkeeping systems are easy to learn and operate; contrast that to some double-entry systems that require users to have an advanced understanding of accounting principles and practices in order to be effective.

Ask yourself if you or any of your staff have the knowledge or the inclination to learn advanced accounting principles. Otherwise, then you might be better off using a simple bookkeeping software and leave the complicated stuff to your accountant.

What will it cost me?

Accounting systems come in different price points and pricing schemes: some only require one up-front payment while others may charge recurring fees. You should adjust accordingly when comparing the costs of products.

Cost is a major concern for most business owners but it shouldn't be the most important factor in your decision. If you have a tight budget, then look for an accounting software package that can be upgraded as you grow your business. This allows you to lessen your initial investment in an accounting software while potentially saving you time and money in the future since you just have to upgrade your software instead of migrating to a whole new system as your business scales up.

Is the Software well Supported?

The support given to an accounting software can make or break your experience with it. Check the software manufacturer's website if they publish well-documented product manuals, tips & troubleshooting articles. Some companies may also maintain a community site wherein users can network with each other and discuss the software product.

Most companies may also offer product support (through phone, email, or web chat) for a fee. Also check if the company releases software updates periodically to keep up with changes in technology, business and tax laws, and accounting practices.

Jerry Grant writes about small business and finance topics, offering advice for both newbie and advanced business owners. For small business owners interested in an accounting software in Australia, he recommends Accomplish Cashmanager.

Imagine showing up to work each day truly happy that you are there…getting energy from your colleagues, having fun in meetings, feeling like what you do counts.  It’s possible.  You can be happy at work and it doesn’t take much money, effort, or time – you just have to spark your small business creativity!

The creative genius is that part of each and every one of us who is stimulated – full of excitement, energy and ideas…the part of each of us that has a possibilities-oriented, “can-do” attitude and way of being that communicates to the world around us that anything is possible.  Follow these simple steps and you will find more happiness in your work:

  • During the workday, ask yourself, “How might I make what I’m doing more fun?”  Is there a favorite colleague of yours that might take a few minutes to brainstorm some ideas around a task you are working on?  Or maybe getting yourself out from behind your desk and into a different environment will give you the energy you need to spark your creative genius? A little music to lift the mood?
  • Take a positive approach.  Think about and focus on the aspects of what you are doing that attracted you to this job in the first place.  How might you do more of that?  How might you get back to the reasons why you picked your career, your place of employment, etc.?  Write these down, take a look at this list and see how you feel.
  • Ask yourself – what is it that I really want from my work life?  Is this meeting my needs?  Is this the right environment?  Giving yourself permission to do some light exploration will empower you to make the best decisions for you, give you hope, and open yourself up to the possibilities.
Want your employees to stay?  Making sure the right creative conditions are in place to keep employees loyal to you and your organization while at the same time helping them be productive, think big and come up with bold ideas to satisfy your customers.  As a leader, here are some simple things you can do today to add to people’s job satisfaction and create the workplace conditions that make employees want to stay and be engaged:

  • Catch them doing something right and let them know about it.
  • Encourage employees to express themselves creatively.
  • Trust your employees – give them the space and freedom to get the job done.
  • Walk the talk – behave in the way that models how you want others to behave.
  • Take an appreciative approach – focus on what is working, what is good and how to do more of that.
  • Always seek first to understand.
  • Celebrate – find ways to celebrate the good things that are going on with your employees.
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Last week I interviewed eleven of the world’s top web traffic experts to show you exactly how to flood your site with qualified prospects so you can make more money this year.

In case you missed one or more of the calls, you can still get access to the ten mp3s of the calls, transcripts and the exclusive Unlimited Web Traffic Guide and save yourself $100…

… if you sign up today.

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The price goes up by $100 in the next 48 hours, so if you have any interest in getting more web traffic …

… use the link above, scroll to the bottom of the page and get these amazingly powerful web traffic and profit generating secrets.

Let’s face it.

At some point you’re going to want to get access to the traffic generating secrets of these top web traffic experts and you can either claim your copy now, or you can wait and pay more later this week.

Today the price for VIP Access is still $97. On Wednesday it goes up to $197.

Which is it?

Wait a few days and pay $100 more or take action right now and save yourself $100?

When you do, you’ll get instant access to the mp3s and transcripts from each interview with:

Web Traffic Expert #1 – Perry Marshall
How to Use Google AdWords To Generate Massive Targeted Traffic 24/7/365 – Even If You Don’t Know The First Thing About Search Engine Optimization

Web Traffic Expert #2 – Greg Shuey
The Amazing-Simple Blueprint To Getting Top Rankings In Google That Drive Traffic and Profits To Your Site Every Day While You Sleep

Web Traffic Expert #3 – Stoney deGeyter
How To Flood Your Site With Free Traffic Even If You Never Get Near Page One Of The Search Engines

Web Traffic Expert #4 – Eric Ward
The Link Factor: How You Can Get Others To Provide You With All The Free Traffic You Want Without Having To Touch Your Website

Web Traffic Expert #5 – Shari Thurow
Traffic Secrets Most SEO Firms Don’t Want You To Know

Web Traffic Expert #6 – M.J. Taylor
Incredibly Simple Tweaks You Can Do To Your Website That Bring In All The Traffic You Can Handle

Web Traffic Expert #7 – Ian Lurie
Real-Time Search: The Foolproof,  Five Minute System For Getting Instant Traffic and Buyers To Your Site For Free

Web Traffic Expert #8 – Mary Bowling & Mike Belasco
How To Save Up To $9,200 On Yellow Page Ads And Get A Constant Stream Of Customers With Google Local

Web Traffic Expert #9 – Shelley Ellis
The Most Powerful Ways To Slash Your Advertising Costs and Boost Your ROI With Google’s Content Network

Web Traffic Expert #10 – Dave Davies
Magic Words You Can Use Immediately To Dominate The Search Engines and Gather All The Traffic You Ever Want

And as an extra bonus I’m including my 120-page-plus, step-by-step exclusive Guide to Unlimited Web Traffic.


The presents have been opened and there’s no more eggnog. Instead of having the cheery holidays to look forward to, the only thing that’s coming up is snow, winter, and spring…and that’s a few months from now.

This is THAT time of year. The time of year when resolutions are made…and broken.

But it’s a great time for reflecting upon where you’ve been and where you want to go with your small business. Use 2011 as the year to bring your business up to speed – technology is just the thing to help propel your business to the next level.

Here are 3 ways to thrust your small business into Super Success mode in 2011:

1. Market with mobile. If you haven’t started thinking about putting a mobile marketing program together, now is the time. Mobile is definitely where the action is. But oddly very few people have caught on. Be a trail blazer in your market and watch the dollars roll in.

2. Think video. If you are not yet using video to market your company, start now. Video will get you more traffic and more prospects than you can imagine. And you don’t have to be a Hollywood producer. For Christmas, treat yourself to a Flip camera and a tripod. Put together a list of twenty frequently asked questions (you know the questions that your consumers are always asking?) For each question, make a one to two minute video you’re your ‘expert’ answer. Post each video on as many video sharing sites as you can. Including YouTube of course.

3. Claim your Google Places listing. If you’re a local business, go to Google Places and claim your business listing right now. Be sure to include your address, phone number, store hours, the credit cards you accept, photos, video and a coupon. Don’t let your neighborhood competitor beat you to the punch.

Although simple, these 3 steps will help you get your business of to a successful start in 2011. Don’t stop here – use them as building blocks to grow your small business and see more profits and leave a comment with your 2011 business resolutions.

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A lot of people nowadays prefer working for themselves. During the recession, a lot of people were given pink slips and there was widespread discontentment. This encouraged working professionals to have a financial back up in case history repeated itself again. Although critics are not in favor of too many people starting their own business, as they feel that it takes a formal education and lot of experience to conduct a business successfully, many aspiring young men have turned out to be successful entrepreneurs. The Richard Bransons' and Mark Zuckerbergs' weren't born billionaires. All they had was a successful business idea and they worked hard to ensure that their idea reaped them benefits. So, if you have a businessman in you, do not give up easily. To start with, look for low risk start up business ideas, and with time, as your business progresses, you can pump in more capital and funds.

Good Start Up Business Ideas

Web Based Business
Today, websites and blogs are one of the low cost start up business ideas. If you know a great deal about a specific product, say laptops, mobiles, etc., you can start your own blog and affiliate it with Google Adsense. If your blogs are really popular and informative, companies will pay you a handsome amount for reviewing its products or you can make money whenever someone clicks on the featured advert. You can also hire professional writers to write for you and you can still make good money after paying their salaries, etc. Website businesses are one of the best businesses to start in 2011.

Catering Business
Getting into food catering service requires a bit of market research on your part about the existing caterers in your area. Analyze what works for them and the missing links in their business. Do not emulate anyone's style as you need to be unique and different from what is already there in the market. Catering can be one of the more appealing start up business ideas for women.

Consultancy Business
If you have a good 10-15 years of experience in advertising, accounting, law, etc., you can start a consultancy of your own and help organizations by giving them 'expert advice'. With time, as you are sought after by firms, you can hire fresh graduates and train them with your expertise. It can one of the lucrative start up business ideas 2011.

Painting Business
With today's busy schedules, people hardly have the time or the energy to paint their homes. You can start your own painting business and the good thing is the capital required in buying stuff such as ladders, brushes, paints, etc., is something that one can manage. Once you are in this field for sometime, you can hire workers to expand your small business.

Gift Basket Business
Gift basket is one of the best start up business ideas from home. People love gift baskets and don't mind spending a little extra on them. You can create some cool gift baskets and set your cash counters ringing! Investing in gift baskets can be a great money making idea if you have some great designs to offer.

Computer Repair Business
If you have dealt with computers all your life and are familiar with its parts like a doctor is with a patient's, you are well suited for starting a computer repairing business. Computers, automobiles, cellphones, etc., are some things that definitely need repairs once in their lifetime. You can easily make some good money as people rarely have knowledge about fixing a computer. Definitely there are a lot of customer services out there, but the customer services can only tell the customer 'how to do it' and they can fix only some basic issues. The average capital you will need in starting a business can be in the range of $4000 - $6000, which includes the cost of purchasing repair parts.

Pest Control Businesses
Pests destroy properties and are a source of various diseases. That is why, many organizations seek the assistance of pest control services to help them get rid of them. This is where you can step in. The initial capital can be in the range of $7000 to $9000 for buying equipments and marketing your company.

Some of the other start up business ideas can be

1.     Cleaning Services

2.     Event Manager

3.     Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning Business

4.     Vending Machine Business

5.     Beauty Supply Business

6.     Landscaping Business

7.     Children's Transportation Business

8.     Photography Business

These were some of the good start up business ideas. There can be many more business ideas that we might have missed. The most important thing one needs to remember before starting any business is that it takes time for a business to grow. One needs to be really patient and confident to get the desired results. Perseverance is the key to make it big in the business world.

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They say nothing in life is free. And while that may hold true for jewelry, cars and houses, it certainly doesn’t apply to website traffic! The beauty of the internet, lies in the fact that…

the more your link is visible, the more traffic will be directed to your site.

Most of these recommendations work the same way – once you sign up, you get acquaintances and people who visit your site to sign up. The more people that sign up from your ad, the more people your ad is distributed to.

It’s really as simple as it sounds and if you’re willing to put in some work to recruit worthy prospects you’ll be pleased with the results.


One of the largest article sites, ArticlesBase allows users to submit and use articles at their leisure. Pay close attention to the keywords you use and be sure to use SEO each article so you get good results.


Message boards are a great way to get involved in a discussion while also leaving your imprint. Strike up a conversation and be sure to put your business name or website as your signature. Big Boards is one of the largest message boards out there with topics for almost anything you can think of. From Brazilian board games to SEO to…well you get the picture. Get involved and get feedback!

EZine Articles

If you’ve ever scoured an article database, you’ve seen the breadth of articles and topics they tend to host. Plant your article there and set up a google alert notify you when someone uses your article. Be sure to always include your link and business information at the bottom to ensure you get the backlink and traffic!


Whether you’re using a fan page or a personal page, Facebook is a great place to post links. Get free traffic while you’re catching up with old friends or working on your social media marketing skills.

Free Traffic Tip

This blog, run by a traffic guru provides consultative services for a fee. Also, though she posts free how-to manuals on everything from getting more traffic from Google, to utilizing your social media pages to direct traffic towards your website.

Free Traffic Works

What’s essentially a big message board, Free Traffic Works relies on user postings and ratings to generate a forum for users to get true reviews of free traffic products. It also works the same way as other free traffic sites to reward you with hits when you put in work advertising your affiliate link.


For your first month of membership, you’re allowed unlimited site views. After that, you earn mailing credits when you surf, which allow you to send e-mail ads to random member of the program. It pays off though, as they get rewarded for checking your email out.


This site works much like the others – get others to sign up and you increase the chances of your free ad getting more views. However, Sweeva gives you a free widget to post to draw more attention to your activity. Also, people can comment on your site so you can see what other people think and make changes based on suggestions.

Traffic Digger

Much in the same way as a few previously mentioned traffic generating websites, traffic digger is a free way to gain new hits. The more people you get to view your ad and sign up through you translates directly to more traffic for your own website.

Traffic Swarm

A membership count of over 400,000 means something. TrafficSwarm has build a great base of customers for their free service with offering goodies that most other free traffic providers don’t – free text box and credits for every site visited.

Traffic Wave

All successful marketers use a autoresponder to keep track of free traffic exchanges. Traffic Wave has been around since 2001 and at $17.95/ month, is cheaper than most other autoresponders. This full range website also manages multiple email lists, collects data, and tracks click-throughs.

Traffic Whirl

The concept is pretty simple – when you sign up, 7 ads are shown to you. When someone clicks on the ad from your site, your ad is placed in the number 1 spot and the other ads move down to spots 2-7. Once that person signs up, their ad is shown as number 1, your ad moves to the second spot and so on… So, if you 10 people enroll from you, your ad is already on ten new sites. And if ten people enroll from those (10×10) your ad is now visible on 100 new sites.


If you’re not already on Twitter, you should join immediately. If you are on Twitter and haven’t utilized it to share your links with followers, shame on you. Use link shortening websites like to direct followers to your blog, website and elsewhere.

Yahoo Answers

Getting involved in Yahoo answers does double duty – you get to share your expertise with curious minds and promote your brand! Be sure not to be too self-promotiona, but you can always throw in your link in your signature or end your answer with “For more answers to questions like this check out my blog at ….” to make sure readers know where to find you.

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